Plenty of meetings in store for winter education opportunities
Tobacco production and GAP training
The Clinton and Cumberland County Extension Office is partnering to host a Tobacco production meeting and Tobacco Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training on Tuesday, January 17th at 5:30 pm CST at the Cumberland County Extension Office located on Hwy 1880 in Burkesville, Kentucky.
UK Tobacco specialist Dr. Bob Pearce will be speaking. Tobacco producers needing to become GAP certified or renew your GAP certification should attend this meeting, for more information and to help with meal preparations please call Clinton County Extension at 606-387-5404.
Sessions geared toward production agriculture
The Clinton and Cumberland County Extension Office is partnering to host a six session series for producers either new to production agriculture or thinking about adding a new enterprise.
Each session will begin at 6:00 pm and will rotate between the Clinton and Cumberland County Extension offices. The January sessions are listed below.
Registration will be $30 for all six sessions or $8 for an individual session, to cover materials and meals.
All sessions qualify as CAIP cost-share educational meetings. Meetings are open to anyone regardless of farming experience, however space is limited so please call to register for sessions. Producers attending a minimum of four sessions will receive an item from the Kentucky Wood Utilization center engraved with their farm name. Please call the extension office at 387-5404 for more information or to register.
Learn about grants loans availability
January 24th Cumberland County—programs/grants/loans available for producers/landowners. Speakers will be representatives from the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Kentucky Ag Finance Corp., and a local bank.
Learn about soils and soil fertility/fertiler
January 31st Clinton Co. — Soils and soil fertility, fertilizer economics, and the value of using poultry litter as fertilize. Speaker—UK Economic Specialist Jordan Shockley.
Beef Quality Assurance
Two Beef Quality Assurance meetings will be held on Thursday January 26th at 1:00pm and 5:30pm at the Clinton County Extension Office, producers approved for cost-share under the large animal investment area are required to have a valid BQA number. The BQA meeting will last approximately one hour, BQA certification cost is $5 and valid for three years. More BQA meetings will be planned for the winter, so there will be other opportunities to get BQA certified. For more information or to enroll in BQA training please call the Extension Office at 606-387-5404, space is limited.
Private pesticide
applicator meeting
The Clinton County Extension Service will host a private pesticide applicator meeting Monday, January 30th at 1:00 pm and 5:30 pm at the Clinton County Extension Office.
The meetings will cover information necessary to obtain a private pesticide applicator’s license. The private pesticide cards are valid for three years and are required to purchase restricted use pesticides. These meetings qualify as CAIP cost-share educational meetings. Please call the Clinton County Extension office at 606-387-5404 for more information.
Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.