Mildred Upchurch Hay, 98, Anderson, Indiana and a native of Albany, passed away Thursday, February 9, 2017 in Anderson. She was the wife of the late Thomas Hay, daughter of the late Stanley and Ida (McKinley) Upchurch and was also preceded in death by three sisters, Geneve Eiseman, Ada Mack Beasey and Bonnie Britt. She was a member of Walnut Street Baptist Church of God in New Castle, Indiana and attended East Side Church of God in Anderson.
She is survived by a son, Tom “T.J.” (Linda) Hay; a daughter, Priscilla (Jerry) Hudson; a sister, Arlee Luttrell; a brother, Marvin Upchurch; also five grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and several cousins.
Graveside services were held Monday, February 13, 2017 at South Mound Cemetery in New Castle, Indiana. Memorial contributions are suggested to the Alzheirmer’s Association or St. Vincent Hospice. Arrangements were made through Rozelle-Johnson Funeral Service of Anderson, Indiana.