On July 2, 2011, fifty-two classmates and two teachers had a reunion at the RECC building on Snow Road, north of Albany. All class members who had attended with us from the fall of 1957 until graduation in 1961 that we could find were invited. This class has had only three other reunions, 1976, 1991, and 2001, and we had record attendance this time, and we hope to do it again in three years. Fifty-two class members attended, and many spouses for a total of 85. If you were a member of this class and were not contacted, please call Tim Cantrell (859-224-3757) and you will be contacted next time for the 2014 reunion. Many have suggested that we have the next one on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.
This reunion was unusual in that we had some money left from our class projects, and we used that for the hall rental and some snacks. Also, local people brought drinks and snack food. Members attended the event free of charge, and the next one will be handled the same way. When people meet again after 50 years, they want to talk, and not spend all the time on a meal. Our talking lasted four hours from one to five in the afternoon, and we did not have the disruption or the expense of a meal, which usually drives up the cost of a reunion and keeps down attendance.
Class President Clement Shelley presided over a sharing session. He called on everyone present to stand up and say something to their classmates. A moment of silence was observed for the 18 class members and two faculty sponsors (Eva Conner and Frank Abston) who have passed away. One sponsor, Elizabeth Summers, was in attendance, but unfortunately, Martha Brummett, our fourth sponsor, was unable to attend. Marie Reed Lair shared a poem she had written for the occasion entitled “Clinton County High School Class Reunion.” Nearly everyone agreed that this was the best reunion that we have ever had. Many class members got together to eat the night before, and some got together after the reunion to continue socializing. We hope we can have another good one in 2014 and that many who did not come or were not notified this time can come to the one in 2014.
The above photo includes most, if not all, of the attendees. They were: Lyndon Aaron, Palmer Abbott, Janet Blair Bogess, Sue Bowlin Carter, Hazel Brummett, Patsy Byers Grider, Janice Conaster Shehan, Timothy Cantrell, Paul Catron, Lyall Craft, Peggy Craig Asberry, Mary Cummings Rhule, Susie DeRossett Denney, Gary Ferguson, Linda Foster Groce, Ira Griffin Hughes, Ralph Groce, Joyce Guffey Conner, Carolyn Hicks Warner, Leland Hicks, Linda Huddleston Barnett, Fred Hurt, Gay Huff Latham, Ralph Laws, Phyllis Long Smith, Mary Lowhorn Shelley, Carolyn McKay Powell, Olene McWhorter Wray, Virginia McWhorter Aaron, Sharon Means Byrd, Margie Melton Graham, John D. Morgan, Janice Murray Abbott, Gordon Pennycuff, Shirley Phillips Ferguson, Eugene Pierce, Ginny Ponser Flanagan, David Powell, Marie Reed Lair, Herman Reeder, Bobby Reneau, Cristell Richardson Craft, Bobby Joe Sell, Clement Shelley, Joann Shepperd Avery, Keith Shoopman, Russell Smith, J.D. Tallent, Jerry Tuck, Rowen Whittenburg, Jr., Wendell Wright, and Francis York Sewell. Faculty member Elizabeth Summers is not in the picture. The other faculty member, Coach Lindle Castle, had to leave before the picture was taken.
(The preceding was submitted by Timothy A. Cantrell.)