Board approves facility plan hearing report

Posted September 6, 2017 at 4:05 pm

Clinton County Board of Education, meeting in special session last Wednesday evening with four of five members present, put a final cap on the District Facility Plan amendment by unanimously approving the District Facilities Plan Hearing Report.

That report had been held via public forum the previous week in which public comments about the amended plan was made. The board’s action will be included in the final paperwork sent to the Department of Education for approval of the plan, which has been in the works for the past several months.

The motion to approve the hearing report was made by board member Gary Norris and passed unanimously.

Norris also questioned when the keys to the Clinton Center may be turned over to allow the Clinton County Area Technology Center to move in. Clinton County Superintendent Charlotte Nasief said she had been in constant contact with Kentucky Department of Education officials and that board members would be the first to know when such approval is given.

It was also noted that the local Chamber of Commerce will likely have a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Clinton Center facility once final approval and acquisition of the building is complete.

Norris noted that the Clinton School District is acquiring the SCC-Clinton Center at seven cents on the dollar of its actual appraised value, meaning millions of dollars in savings to the school district, while at the same time acquiring a practically new Area Technology Center and Central Office location.

The next regular meeting of the school board is scheduled for Monday, September 18 with a work session the prior Thursday, September 14, both at the Central Office.