UK Extension forage
production program
The second session of the Master Haymaker program will be held on Tuesday, November 14th at 6:00 p.m. at the RECC building in Albany. The program will focus on opportunities to improve stored forage production.
During this session, UK Extension Forage Specialist Chris Tuestch will present on using warm season forages for hay and silage production.
Topics: Bermudagrass (seeded vs sprigged), crabgrass, sudans, sorghums, and millets, johnsongrass management as a forage, alfalfa, corn silage, and challenges associated with warm season annuals (weed control, nitrates, etc..).
The session will begin with a meal at 6:00 p.m. Please call the Extension Office at (606) 387-5404 to register, or for more information. Each session has a registration fee of $10 to cover the meal and materials
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