No doubt it will be a busy holiday weekend in Byrdstown with lots of Christmas activities going on December 8, 9, and 10. Be sure to include Good Neighbors Theatre’s Fourth Annual Christmas Spectacular on one of those dates in your weekend plans. This variety show, being sponsored by People’s Bank and Trust of Pickett County, features some of the area’s very talented performers.
You will be delighted by a variety of acts including singing, dancing, and Christmas skits. Missy Davis and Kathy Hicks, both familiar faces at GNT, are coordinating the program of Christmas themed entertainment.
Performances are Friday, December 8th at 7:00 PM, Saturday December 9th at 7:00 PM, and Sunday December 10th at 2:00 PM at Good Neighbors Theatre located at 8780 Highway 111 in Byrdstown.
Following the variety show, the audience is invited to mingle among the performers and enjoy a reception with Christmas goodies provided by the GNT Board of Directors.
Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Pickett County Chamber of Commerce. Adult admission is $10.00 plus sales tax and children three-12 are $8.00 plus sales tax. Children under two years of age are free. All pre-reserved tickets must be paid for at the time the reservation is made. Stop by the Chamber located at 1005 Highway 111 to get tickets and assure you don’t miss this show. The Chamber’s phone is 931-864-7195.
Tickets may also be purchased at Good Neighbors Theatre ticket booth prior to each performance. All tickets sales are final.
Those requiring special assistance must indicate their need at the time reservation is made. Messages may be left at 931-864-4569.