Only two new candidates have filed for local office over the past week, bringing to a total of 35 the number of local candidates in the running through Monday, December 11.
Both candidates are Republicans and both seeking magisterial district seats.
Candidates filing last week included Wayne Hughes, a former board of education member, who became the third candidate to file for Magistrate in District One, comprised of North and East Albany.
Newcomer Dicken Barber also filed as a GOP candidate for Magistrate in District Three, comprised of the Piney Woods, Seventy-Six and Snow precincts. He also is the third candidate for magistrate in that district.
No other candidate filed for a county-wide office throughout the week. Thusfar, almost all of all candidates–16, are running for one of the six magisterial district seats.
The deadline to file for the local May primary, insofar as county offices, is January 31. Those running nonpartisan, including city and school board races, will begin filing early next summer.
Clinton County Clerk Shelia Booher also reminds any voters who wishes to switch their party affiliation and still be able to vote in their new party next spring, has until 4 p.m. on Friday, January 29 for file the form to change parties.