The usually annual sidebar event to the Christmas at Home toy and food drive concluded around Christmas this year, when finally all of the snowflake prizes were turned in.
Although the main prize, “Frosty’s Nose,” that was worth over $1,000 in cash and prizes was found in record time five days after the hunt began on December 1, there were still some 50 smaller prizes, as well as a $100 consolation prize of sorts, remaining to be found.
The consolation, or second place prize was $100 and in the form of a “tiny snowflake” which was found on Wednesday, December 20 by Robert and Cannon Hardin. The prize was found on a tree beside the Bean and Me store on Cross Street.
Some 50 snowflake prizes, many valued between $20 and $25, were found around various businesses during the Treasure Hunt, and the final snowflakes being discovered around Christmas.
In all, the snowflake prizes were valued at over $1,000 in cash and prizes and well over $2,000 was won by several individuals, counting the grand prize, consolation prize and snowflake prizes.