Extension Notes …

Posted January 31, 2018 at 9:06 am

Managing the calving season

Source: Les Anderson, UK extension beef specialist

With spring calving season right around the corner, these tips from Dr. Les Anderson provide some good advice for producers to keep in mind during the calving season.

Providing sound management during the calving season can mean more live calves. Excessive losses can mean the difference between a year’s profit or loss for a beef producer.

It is important to have a short calving period to allow frequent observation and assistance if needed. Some specific things a producer can do to limit calf loss include:

• Separate first-calf heifers from mature cows. Calving difficulty can run as high as 30 to 40 percent for two-year-old heifers compared to just three percent for mature cows. Place them in a small, accessible pasture near a corral where assistance can be given if needed.

• Provide a clean area for calving. The calving area should be a well-sodded pasture or clean, dry maternity pen, not a wet, muddy lot. It should also be large enough for adequate exercise and offer protection from prevailing winds.

• Be familiar with the signs of calving. Within a few hours of calving, cows generally become nervous and uneasy. As contractions increase, a cow will likely wander away from the rest of the herd.

• Check cows frequently. Observing cows three or four times a day and providing assistance when necessary results in more live calves. However, cows should be disturbed as little as possible during labor.

• Know when a cow needs assistance. Intervention is justified when two or three hours have passed without progress or if delivery has not occurred within 90 minutes after the water sac appears. In a normal delivery, the calf’s front legs and head will appear first.

There are also a few steps to take after the calf is born to help it get off to a good start. These include making sure the calf is breathing normally after it is delivered and that it consumes colostrum. Ideally, a calf should consume its first milk within 15 to 30 minutes after birth.

Immediately after calving increase the cow’s energy intake to about 16 pounds of total digestible nutrients per day. The extra energy will help the cow produce enough milk for her calf and allow her to rebreed on schedule.

For more information on beef cattle production and management, contact the Clinton County Cooperative Extension Service at 606-387-5404.

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Upcoming meetings of interest to the Clinton agri community

Master Logger (CE) Course

The Clinton and Cumberland County Extension Services are partnering to host a Master Logger Continuing Education course. The course will be held on Tuesday, February 6th, at 8:00 a.m. CST at the Cumberland County Extension Office. The course will wrap up around 2:00 p.m. CST. The cost will be $50.00. A meal will be served.

Tobacco GAP Meeting

The Clinton and Cumberland County Extension Services are partnering to host a Tobacco Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) training. The meeting will be held on Thursday, February 8th, at 5:00 p.m. CST at the Albany RECC Building. UK Tobacco specialist Dr. Bob Pearce will be presenting topics on tobacco production and conducting the GAP training. A meal will be served. Please call if you plan to attend so meal preparations can be made. Tobacco producers needing to become GAP certified or renew your GAP certification should attend this meeting, for more information contact Clinton CES at 606-387-5404 or Cumberland CES at 270-433-7700.

Weed Spraying Demonstration

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) will be doing a nuisance weed spraying demonstration this spring for seven local producers. The program is on a first come first served basis. KDA will provide the sprayer and herbicide for up to 10 acres, and an additional 10 acres can be sprayed with the producer providing the herbicide. Producer must supply a tractor, driver and water for the application. If you are interested,please call the Clinton County Extension Office at 606-387-5404.

Agriculture Development Council

The Clinton County Agricultural Development Council will meet on Monday February 5th at 5:30 p.m. at the Clinton County Extension Office.