Albany City Council held a short regular meeting last Tuesday, February 6 with all members present.
The council first heard updates from employees of the street, water and police departments, as well as an update on the new water billing system just put in place that will eventually give customers options on how to pay their bill, including by debit card, etc.
The council also voted to declare five former police cruisers–three 2008 models, one 2009 and one 2011 model Crown Victorias as surplus and sell via sealed bid, with a minimum of $500 per vehicle.
The council also voted unanimously to approve, via resolution, the Lake Cumberland Area Development District Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan 5-Year Update.
The resolution reads in part:
….certain areas of the City of Albany are subject to periodic flooding, tornadoes, severe winter storms, severe thunderstorms, and landslides and other natural hazards that have potential to cause damages to people and properties with the area;
…the City of Albany desires to prepare and mitigate for such natural disasters;
…under the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency requires that jurisdictions have in place a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Action Plan as a condition of receipt of certain future Federal mitigation funding after November 1, 2004;
…the Lake Cumberland Area Development District Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed in accordance with the regulations of Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 and the guidance provided by FEMA;
…the Kentucky Division of Emergency Management and FEMA, Region IV officials have reviewed the LCADD Hazard Mitigation Plan 5 Year Update and approved it contingent upon this official adoption of the participating governments;
…to assist cities and counties in meeting this requirement, the LCADD facilitated the development of a multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan covering member jurisdictions of the Lake Cumberland Area Development District, including the City of Albany.
The plan’s approval assures all participating cities and counties are eligible for federal FEMA relief funds in the case of natural disasters.
Before the meeting adjourned, councilman Tony Delk thanked all of the city employees, especially members of the street department, for their hard work and extra hours put in during the most recent winter weather outbreaks.
The next regular meeting of Albany City Council is scheduled for March 6 at 5 p.m. and is open to the general public.