Clinton County News readers who have for the past several years enjoyed the fall reading series featuring Kentucky’s two most famous K-9 characters, Woody and Chloe, and their yearly exploits, can get ready to once again begin reading the newest fall reading project.
Partnering again with the Kentucky Press Association, the Lexington Herald-Leader and the News in Education, the Clinton County News is one of 33 Kentucky newspapers that will feature the fall reading series designed to provide local elementary school students as well as adult readers, the chance to follow the story.
Written by Kentucky author Leigh Anne Florence and illustrated by Chris Ware, each week the Clinton County News will feature a new chapter in the latest adventure of this mischievous K-9 pair.
In this 2018 adventure, the pair, along with their human parents, will travel across the state of Kentucky, taking in many of the fall festivals that are held in the Commonwealth’s communities.
As a part of the program, the Clinton County News will provide a copy of the newspaper each week to the students in the 3rd grade at Albany Elementary School.
In addition, a separate scrapbook that will allow those students to keep each week’s chapter throughout the 10 week program will be furnished to the students as well.
A limited number of scrapbooks will be available to adult readers who are wishing to use the project for their own children or grandchildren, as we have learned that some adult readers have done in previous years.
The third grade teachers at Albany Elementary School are also provided with a website that offers a host of additional activities for the students, all focused around the content of each weekly chapter.
Fall reading
project again
features exploits of Woody & Chloe