The Clinton County Farm Bureau, along with the Clinton County Extension Service, held the first annual Farm Safety Day at The Blue Grass Stockyards on Thursday.
The event went off without a hitch and provided tons of safety scenarios that could save a lot of lives in the future.
Extension Agent Colby Guffey put the details together in order to get the most out of the safety day, including arranging fifth and sixth grade students to participate.
The first hour of the safety day was geared towards the youth allowing them to visit each station that tackled a different aspect of farm safety.
There were five stations at Farm Safety Day, including a roll over tractor simulator, ATV safety, chainsaw safety and animal safety that was held inside the stockyards.
“Farm Bureau actually purchased what’s called a turtle tube which is a grain bin system for people who might be trapped in flowing grain, it’s a system designed that will go around them and you can pull them out without hurting the individual,” Guffey said. “It happened here a couple years ago and I hope we never have to use it again. It’s something to bring awareness of the dangers of occupations in agriculture. If we can start young with the kids and have them aware, that’s the purpose.”
Guffey said the Department of Forestry Division was also there doing chainsaw safety as well as fire prevention.
“Charles Emery, with the Kentucky Beef Network, is going to talk about livestock handling safety,” Guffey said. “We have several livestock producers around. It happens fast, to be injured by a cow, calf, bull or whatever. People don’t think about those things. The only person responsible for your safety is yourself.”
Thursday was designed to be somewhat fun yet serious at the same time according to Guffey.
“We are all about safety on the farm,” Guffey said. “We will start with the kids and transfer that right on into the adults. People think it’s common sense, and a lot of it is, but just to have it in the back of your mind that this could be dangerous.”
Also a main contributor to Farm Safety Day was the Clinton County Future Farmers of America, with sponsor Ben Prewitt.
“We have about 19 members of the FFA out here helping with each station,” Guffey said. “We have taught these FFA students how to demonstrate safety equipment. They are actually the ones who will be teaching the younger kids. We feel they will listen to the older peers they look up to in school any way.”
The Blue Grass Stockyards was the perfect location to host Farm Safety Day with the large parking area as well as access to cattle for livestock handling safety.
“It’s a great location right here on Kentucky Hwy. 90 and the Lord has blessed us with good weather today,” Guffey said. “Blue Grass Stockyards of Albany has been more than willing to work with us. They basically give us the venue and say have at it.”
Guffey said there were six or seven organizations that came together in order to make this happen.
“Our superintendent has been great to work with and the middle school was more than receptive to bring two classes out here,” Guffey said.
At top right, the rollover tractor simulator demonstrated what happens when a tractor is turned over while working in the field. Fifth and sixth grade students from CCMS were on hand Thursday to view the demonstration.
Bottom right, Miss Kentucky Katie Bouchard made an appearance at the Blue Grass Stockyards in order to give students an insight on ATV safety.