Clinton County Middle School 5th grade students were given the chance at a unique learning opportunity Thursday morning when they took the classroom outdoors to Mountain View Recreation Park for a morning-long series workshop.
Providing instruction during the workshop were five separate classroom offerings including the Clinton County 4-H (above photo), Farm Service Agency (top right photo), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (bottom right photo), Natural Resources Conservation Services (second from bottom right)and the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife (right photo).
Each entity focused on its own specialized educational setting, ranging from local wildlife that might be encountered and safety and conservation measures in place by the Fish and Wildlife, to water safety education by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a demonstration using a cooler filled with ice water to demonstrate the effects of hypothermia experienced from contacting cold water, and the importance of wearing Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) whenever around our area lakes and waterways.
The students enjoying the 4-H class were involved in a scavenger hunt that taught them about local trees, plants, weeds and even bugs. Instructors also noted that as a side bonus, they noticed the students working to pick up trash around the park as they collected scavenger hunt items.