Nearly 170 runners turned out early Saturday morning, despite the cold and damp conditions, to compete in the annual Foothills 5K Run.
Below, are the runners who hung around after the awards presentation for a group photo, while at left, members of the Clinton County Elementary and High School Cross Country teams that participated in the Saturday morning race.
Above, about 170 runners went off at the Mountain View Park starting point for the annual Foothills Festival 5K Run, despite cold conditions and damp, misty air on hand at the 8:00 a.m. starting time. Below, runners register at the 5K Run check-in table early Saturday morning.
The inflatables at the First and Farmers Bank sponsored Pumpkin Patch are always a favorite of the younger Foothills crowd as was the case this year as well. Above, a parent grabs a photo as three youngsters “squeal” down the air slide early Saturday.
Music has always been a big part of the Foothlls Festival schedule, and the 2018 celebration was no different with a host of entertainment featured during the weekend. On Friday night, entertainment featured Kevin Dalton and the Tuesday Blooms, shown above, who fronted for the main concert later that night with the well known group Exile.
Craig Smith was the first runner to cross the finish line Saturday morning for the Foothills 5K. He finished with a time of 19:01.
Dagan Conaster was the first woman to cross the finish line Saturday during the Foothills Festival 5K. She finished with a time of 23:59.