explained for benefit of students, parents
As a means of providing school children the opportunity to continue to learn, even on days when winter weather keeps them out of the classroom, the Clinton County School District will once again be using up to 10 days, if necessary, of Non-Traditional Instruction Days, aka Cyber School Days, or snow days this winter.
The Non-Traditional days not only allow students to continue learning classroom work at home, but those days are counted as actual instructional days and do not have to be made up at the end of the normal school year.
Clinton County was among the first of the districts across the state to be approved for the NTI days.
Director of Pupil Personnel Julie York noted that parents and guardians would be receiving much needed information the first of this month pertaining to NTI days and how it works when weather prevents schools from opening.
Following is some basic information about NTI days, what it does and how the it works:
What is a Non-Traditional School Plan?
In response to the significant number of absent days in recent years, (the) Clinton County School District has been granted a Non-Traditional School Days waiver which has been designated for Cyber School Days. The detailed plan outlines how instruction will be delivered to all students during a day when school is not open due to unforeseen circumstances. The plan gives teachers the opportunity to refine their online presence for content delivery and provides hard copy content for those students that may not have access to technology or network resources at home. The planned result is less loss of instructional time and increased ability to learn new content when school is back in session.
Delivery: Digital and hard copy will be available for students on Cyber School Days through a school folder. A folder with lessons will be distributed to each student. (A One-Call will notify families when the folder is being sent home.) Please store this folder at home until the student needs to use it.
Time: When unforeseen circumstances or road conditions are too hazardous for bus travel, the superintendent may determine the day as a “Cyber School Day.” Clinton County has been approved to use up to 10 school days as Cyber School Days.
Communications: A One-Call will be made to all students and staff announcing the Cyber School Day. In addition, announcements will be placed on the radio and school social media sites.
Content: During weekly meetings, teachers will work together as grade level and content-area teams to identify the standards to select for the folder. Cyber School Days work will give students the opportunity to review and apply content from their core classes in order to ensure their understanding of essential concepts and skills.
Accountability: Students will be required to complete the tasks assigned during the Cyber School Day. Students will submit their work to their teacher the day they return to school. Student participation will be determined as students complete their assigned work.
Support: Certified staff will report to their schools to answer and make calls to parents if travel is acceptable. Any student who chooses to use the school computer lab must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Following are some of the most freqently asked questions concerning Cyber Days:
What is
Cyber School Days?
Cyber School Days allow Clinton County Schools to provide nontraditional instruction on days when students are not able to attend school due to unforeseen circumstances. On the designated Cyber Days, students will have instructional packets that provide review opportunities and application of previous learning or projects. Depending on the student’s grade level, the packet may contain lessons from reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and related arts. Lessons in the packets are supported with online resources but can be completed without access to the internet.
What are teachers and administrators doing on Cyber School Days?
All staff will be expected to keep a log of activities that fulfill their contractual obligations from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Principals will discuss with staff prior to the use of any non-traditional days the types of work that will be acceptable. Staff who are able to travel shall report to the school and answer student calls, emails, as well as work in computer labs with any students who might choose to use them.
Will every snow day be treated as “Cyber Day?”
No, we will not count every snow day, or unforeseen circumstance as a “Cyber” Day. Clinton County School District has been approved to utilize up to 10 Cyber School Days.
How will I know which day is a “Cyber” Day?
Cyber School Days will be announced during the One-Call that is made to let families know that school has been cancelled for the day. Cyber School Days will also be announced on the district’s website and local radio station.
How will students
submit their work from the Cyber School Days?
Students will receive copies of the work packets in a Cyber Day school folder, which will be sent home with them. They should return their work to school on the day they return from the missed day.
What happens if my child misplaces the Cyber School Day lesson?
Cyber School Day lessons will be distributed to students at school. If a student is unable to complete the lesson packet prior to returning to school, he/she will have additional time to make up the missing work by staying after school.
For questions or more information on NTI days, call: Clinton County Board of Education: 387-6480; Early Childhood Center: 387-4283; Albany Elementary: 387-5828; Clinton Middle School: 387-6466: CCHS: 387-5569.