What has become one of the more successful charity events for people in need around the holidays has kicked off its 15th year. The Christmas at Home food and toy drive officially began last Thursday, November 15.
Thanks to the generosity of local businesses, churches, groups and especially individuals, the 2017 program set some new records in collecting food and toys for children and adults that are less fortunate around the Christmas holidays.
Christmas at Home was founded by WANY radio owner Pam Allred along with Randy Speck, and has grown in numbers over the years.
“This year is a record…this is the largest in numbers of food and toys donated so far,” Allred stated at the conclusion of last year’s food and toy drive.
When all items were collected, boxed and delivered, some 300 homes in the county had benefitted from the program, including some 545 children being helped, both record numbers.
Although Allred was an employee with the city last year and has since retired, Albany Mayor Nicky Smith and others are again working to advertise, collect and box food and toys and will again utilize city employees to make deliveries to homes in December.
In 2017, 29 entities, including a dozen churches, along with businesses, organizations and other groups, were involved in collecting food and/or toys.
There were four volunteers other than city employees, who helped with the hands-on work. More volunteers are also needed and anyone wishing to volunteer to help in the event are asked to contact Allred or city hall.
Names of families and children are chosen in part with the help of local social services and local residents who know of families and children in need. Anyone wishing to have names added to the “Wish List” for delivery of food and toys can call either Albany City Hall at 387-6011 or WANY radio station at 387-5186.
Churches are asked to donate primarily non-perishable food items but toys collected by churches will also be accepted.
There are currently three “drop-off” locations for toys (new toys only, please) and food, those being WANY radio, Albany City Hall and the Clinton County News office. More drop-off locations will be added in the coming days and weeks.
Any church, business, organization, school group, etc. that would like to participate or have a collection box set up, please call the aforementioned numbers.
Churches are reminded that the final date to collect and turn in food and/or toys donated is Monday, December 10. Also, all deliveries to homes will be completed no later than Tuesday, December 18.
The annual event is sponsored by the City of Albany, Clinton County Fiscal Court, Albany/Clinton County Chamber of Commerce, Clinton County News and WANY 100.9 FM radio station.
All of the aforementioned sponsors would like to thank everyone in advance for their support, past and present and look forward to another great year of helping families and children in need around the Christmas season.