Clinton Fiscal Court met in regular session last Thursday, March 21 with all members present and generally only routine items of business on the agenda.
After receiving the monthly treasurer’s report, magistrate Ray Marcum, under claims and bills, questioned some outstanding checks written by the county dated as far back as 2016 (referring to last year’s audit report). Finance Officer Tuesday Davis said those checks were in the process of being paid and should be reflected on next month’s claims and bills.
The court then proceeded to approve the claims and bills, as well as monthly fund transfers.
A public hearing and resolution was then held pertaining to three roads in the fifth district which had petitioned to be taken into the county road system. No one from the public was in attendance in opposition.
The court, on separate motions, proceeded to approve the adoption of Griffin Trail, Griffin Spur and Whitney Way into the county road system to be maintained.
The court then held second and final reading of a policies and procedures amendment adding two positions to the county road department, including a head maintenance person and head mechanic position.
The court then voted to approve Carly Fudge as building inspector for the county only, with the city hiring its own inspector for city buildings.
Judge Ricky Craig noted he had been in contact with Albany Mayor Lyle Pierce about that, saying the city would need to take similar action.
The court also voted to advertise for road materials and road salt and on a separate motion, voted to purchase $500 worth of used guardrails from Ronald Wray of Cumberland County. Road foreman Danny Abston noted the need for guardrails in several areas of the county where the rails could be placed.
The court also discussed ambulance call time and placing a supervisor (three total) on each shift.
One appointment was made to the Clinton County Industrial Development Authority, as judge Craig recommended, and the court approved, Randy Jones to be put on the board.
Jones will replace long-time member Keith McWhorter, who recently stepped down from the board. Judge Craig thanked McWhorter for his years of service on the IDA board.
A total of six park board members were also appointed, including three returning members and three new members.
Returning members reappointed were Randy Speck, Gina Poore and Kelly Harmon with new members being David M. McIver, Patrick Padron and Nick Thrasher.
The upcoming fiscal year jail budget, which reflects the same totals as the current year, was then presented to the court for review only and will be included in the actual county budget which will be adopted later this spring.
The court then heard some department head reports, including from Solid Waste Coordinator Andy Davis, Road Foreman Danny Abston, Recycling Coordinator Johnny Jones, Jailer Tracy Thurman and EMS Director Lonnie Scott.
Thurman noted that a recent jail inspection had been conducted by the state and two items were listed from the 2018 calendar year, including failure to report two known escapes to the Department of Corrections within required time frames and failure to have updated policy and procedure in place.
Inmates continue to collect trash on county roads. County jail staff and inmates had cleaned up 81 county roads, picking up 227 bags of garbage, a large amount of tires and had also cleaned two cemeteries.
Jailer Thurman also asked about collecting back jail inmate booking and housing fees, with assistant county attorney Gary Little noting that in most cases, that is collected through the Circuit Clerk’s office or court system.
Little also noted that such fees were hard to collect as many inmates are considered indigent and unable to pay the fees.
Magistrate Marcum again questioned a part of last year’s audit report about some people being paid extra and asked if the county has been reimbursed.
Judge Craig said all but one that he knew of had and Finance Officer Tuesday Davis also noted auditors had advised it would be easier to try and collect all such outstanding debts all at one time, if possible.
The court then entered into an approximate five-minute closed session to discuss personnel with no action being taken.
After returning to open session the approximate 40-minute meeting was adjourned.
The next regular meeting of Clinton Fiscal Court is scheduled for Thursday, April 18 at 5 p.m. and is open to the public.