The Clinton County Recreation/Park Board, infused with several newly appointed members, held a special call meeting last Friday night to hire much needed personnel for the upcoming year and busiest portion of the park season.
Some nine members were present for the session (with two other members at the park taking part in coaching activities).
The board, on a motion by Kelly Harmon, entered into an approximate 15-minute closed session to discuss personnel.
Upon returning to open session, the board, on a motion by Leland Hicks voted to re-hire Tim Moons as part-time park director and maintain Michael Hood as maintenance director, also a part-time, but year-round position, at the same rates of time/pay as 2018.
The job description for Moons as park director will be as follows: Serve as Recreation Director for Mountain View Park from March through September at a pay rate of $12 per hour with no fringe benefits. Time requirements are 80 hours per month for a total of 560 hours for the period. Monthly hours flexible depending on the needs at the park, with the expectation that more hours will be needed March through June and fewer hours July through September. The park director’s immediate supervisor will be the elected chairperson of the Recreation/Park Board.
Hood, as maintenance director, will be paid a salary not to exceed $1,024 per month with no fringe benefits, the same as the previous year.
With no other items of business on the call meeting agenda, the meeting was adjourned.
Activities at the park are now beginning to pick up with the onset of the spring and summer seasons, as well as Youth League baseball and softball starting next month.
The park board’s next regular meeting, which is expected to have a full agenda, is scheduled for this Thursday, March 28 at 6 p.m. at the park and is open to the general public.