The Medicaid Nurse Aide students enrolled in the Health Sciences Program at the Clinton County Area Technology Center participated in the Healthy Second Sunday at the Mountain View Park on Sunday October 9, 2011.
The students are shown in top photo with ATC Health Careers instructor Billie Frye.
The event allowed the students to gain experience in measuring blood pressures, pulses, respirations, weights, and heights. The event also allowed the students to communicate with the public and gain real world experience related to health care.
The students and instructor Billie Frye, RN would like to thank the community for coming to the event and the coordinators for allowing the students to participate in the health fair. Those students who participated include: Logan Crouch, Darrian Dalton, Morgan Hicks, Jalen Martin, Lashay Perdue, Whitney Stonecipher, and Kourtnie Thurman and volunteer Emily Frye.
At left, students are shown checking blood pressure at their Second Sunday station.