Turnovers … by Alan B. Gibson

Posted July 3, 2019 at 8:40 am

Just a reminder, this holiday is the big one

I noted last week that during these early summer days activities around the local sporting scene slows down a little bit.

However, that doesn’t mean we don’t have a few busy stretches in Albany and Clinton County – one of those busier than normal times is this week while we celebrate our nation’s independence.

With tourism driving a big part of our local economy, we arrange our calendar during the summer around the three major summer holidays, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day.

Believe it or not, we are here with the second of the three this week, and as always, this is the big one, so here is my annual reminder for everyone to be aware, be nice, and be a little more patient with our visitors.

Most importantly, be safe.

Our roads will – or already have by the time you read this – become extremely busier than normal this weekend and even into the first of next week as our little community becomes a vacation home to thousands of visitors.

They flock to our two lakes, Lake Cumberland and Dale Hollow, in hopes of getting in a little rest, enjoying some family time and oftentimes, logging some hours in a boat that they only get out a few times a year.

Translation – more often than not it means an inexperienced boat operators, pushing the limits of the motor and the limits of the space around them, most often while not in the perfect conditions to be doing either – think boating under the influence.

Still, and I’ve repeated this many times in this space – we need these folk to come visit us and enjoy our lakes and our scenery and our attractions . . . because they bring money into our economy, and they bring a lot. Most importantly, they leave most of it here when they leave.

They leave it at our marinas, they leave it at our restaurants. They leave it at our gas stations and they leave it with our mechanics. Sometimes, they even leave it in our court systems.

So, take a deep breath, give yourself a little extra room out there and let’s enjoy the week and weekend, celebrating together and ending the holiday safely.

In other words – “Let’s be careful out there!”

In the meantime – let’s take it outside for a few months!