Second Sunday a huge success
By Christy Nuetzman
Clinton County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences
Our local Second Sunday (2S) and Health Fair event held on October 9th was a huge success. One hundred thirty-two adults and 144 youth participated. Participants were screened for blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol, and glucose. In addition, participants enjoyed walking around the track, inflatables, and physical activities organized by the high school football team.
Those who walked two laps around the track received seat cushions courtesy of the Adanta Regional Prevention Center. We owe a huge thanks to our local sponsors who provided t-shirts for those participants who walked four or more laps around the track.
T-shirt sponsors included: Adanta, Clinton Family Medical-Dr. Tammy Brown and Carol Denney, ARNP, Dr. Shirley Catron, Dr. Tracy Cross, Dr. Michael Cummings, Dyer Drug, First & Farmers National Bank, People’s Bank and Trust Company, Monticello Banking Company, and Shearer Drug.
Health services and information was provided by American Red Cross, Clinton County EMS, HOSA, Clinton County Area Technology Center Medicaid Nurse Aide and Health Sciences Program, Clinton County Schools Physical Education Program, Lifeline Home Health, Dyer Drug, Clinton County Health Department-Health and Diabetes Education, Dr. Shanna Burress-Cumberland Family Medical Dental Services, Adanta, Coventry Cares of Kentucky, State Farm, KC Wellness of Lexington, and the Clinton County Homemakers.
Thanks to the Foothills Festival Committee for joining us with its annual gospel singing and to the park board for having food to purchase. Another great event!!
And remember, our next Big Blue Shape Up begins on October 17th at 4:30 p.m. at the Extension Office. We will meet weekly on Monday nights through December 19th. Registration is $10. For more information, call the Extension Office at 387-5404.
Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin.