Fiscal court has another call meeting

Posted October 2, 2019 at 8:25 am

Clinton County Fiscal Court held another special call meeting Tuesday morning, October 1 with four of six members present.

The court first approved a budget amendment dealing with the 2019, 2020 and 2021 budget years pertaining to the pay-off of a wrecked sheriff’s department vehicle and the recent purchase of two new sheriff’s office vehicles.

The two new vehicles were paid primarily with a USDA grant in the amount of $50,000. They also approved an amendment pertaining to 2018 road aid funds, all on a motion by magistrate Jerry Lowhorn.

On a motion by magistrate Ray Marcum, the court voted to hire Ginger Russell to work two days as custodian at the courthouse at $100 per day during the Foothills Festival weekend.

The final item of business that was passed, following a motion by magistrate Johnny Russell, was two cash transfers, from the Occupational Tax fund to the jail and the ambluance service.

With no other items of businss on the agenda, the six-minute meeting was then adjourned.

The next regular meeting of Clinton Fiscal Court is scheduled for Thursday, October 17 at 5 p.m. and is open to the general public.