Wayne County Outlook …

Posted October 30, 2019 at 8:53 am

Local attorney Rhett Ramsey has filed a letter of intent to seek the office of 52nd District State Representative, which will appear on the ballot in 2020. Ramsey, a Republican, announced his candidacy on social media last week.

“Growing up in Wayne County, you understand that south central Kentucky is a special place. Our communities and people have the best to offer our Commonwealth. After graduating from law school, there is nowhere else I would have wanted to start my practice and business. This is my home and I’m proud of my roots here,” Ramsey said.

“But we can do better. Every day I see first hand the struggles we continue to face. From a drug epidemic plaguing our homes and schools, to sputtering economic development that leaves our residents searching for something more. Every day, the best we have to offer look for something different, something better, somewhere with more opportunities and somewhere with greater potential for a better life.”

He noted that there must be change and that is why he decided to seek the office of state representative.

The 52nd District include all of Wayne County and McCreary County and a portion of Pulaski County.

“Over the next seven months, I look forward to meeting with you, listening to you, and discussing with you the most pressing issues facing our communities. With your support, I know we can unleash this area and help create a better future for all of us who call it home,” said Ramsey.

At this point, candidates for state representative in 2020 cannot officially file their paperwork with the Kentucky Secretary of State. They must wait until after the November general election.

Candidates can file a letter of intent to seek office with the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance, which allows them to begin fundraising for their campaign.

Republican Ken Upchurch, also of Wayne County, is currently serving as 52nd District State Representative.