Halloween turned tragic Monday night as five-year-old Aleigha Duvall, daughter of Lonnie Duvall and Misty Hickman, was hit by a car on Haddix Road, eight miles east of Albany. On Tuesday, November 1, at 6:36 p.m., Duvall passed away due to her injuries sustained Monday night.
According to the Kentucky State Police report, the accident occured around 6:35 p.m. Monday night, during the peak hours of trick-or-treating.
The report issued Monday night said that Kevin Haddix, 45, of Albany, was operating a 1997 Ford Ranger, traveling south, when Duvall attempted to cross the road while trick-or-treating. Duvall stepped into the path of the Ford Ranger and was hit by the vehicle.
Several local emergency agencies were dispatched to the scene of the accident, including the Clinton County EMS, Albany Fire Department and Clinton County Sheriff’s Department. The Kentucky State Police were called to the scene after local emergency and law enforcement officials had arrived at the accident site.
With traffic being exceptionally heavy at the time of the accident, with Halloween trick or treat activities at its peak, emergency crews were called to block traffic at major intersections, clearing the way for the EMS to transport the victim to the Clinton County Hospital emergency room.
Duvall was taken to Clinton County Hospital and then airlifted to the University of Kentucky Medical Center.
Haddix was wearing his seatbelt and was not injuried during the accident.
According to the report from Kentucky State Police Post 15 Public Affairs Officer Billy Gregory, no charges have been filed in relation to Monday night’s accident.