COVID-19 weekly Q&A session with LCDHD/area media

Posted April 14, 2020 at 1:29 pm

A media Zoom meeting was held on April 8, 2020 for media partners and community of the Lake Cumberland District Health Department.

A list of questions was presented to the LCDHD staff by the media. Those questions, and the answers given are provided in the following article for the readers of the Clinton County News.

The media updates are presented weekly and the Clinton County News will continue to participate in those briefings so we can better keep our readers invovled.

The panel consisted of:

Shawn Crabtree, Executive Director

Stuart Spillman, Environmental Health Director

Dr. Christine Weyman, Medical Director

Laura Woodrum, Director of Nursing

Tracy Aaron, Health Education Director – moderator

? Are we going to be able to get more tests for the public or are tests being done only when a person goes into the hospital?

Testing capacity across the state is increasing. Some private providers as well as most hospitals have the ability to test now. An individual does not have to be hospitalized to be tested, but we do suggest people call their provider to ask about the availability of testing at a specific location before showing up to be tested.

? What is the process for a reported case of COVID 19?

The healthcare facility is required to report the positive lab to the local health department as outlined in KAR 20.020

? What is the difference in a “case” and a “contact”?

A case is someone who has been tested and received a positive result of a COVID19 test. A case is instructed to stay home and self-isolate themselves per instructions from the local health department. If possible, they are to avoid close contact with persons living in the home with them. Relocating to a separate part of the home is preferred although not always possible. Once a case is identified the LHD interviews the case and gathers the contacts of that person. The local health department speaks with the positive cases every day until they are released to continue to monitor for s/s. Contacts are defined as a person the positive case has been in close contact (less than six feet) with for more than 30 minutes. Once contacts are identified they are contacted by the LHD if they are found to be asymptomatic, they are then instructed to stay home, self quarantine and monitor their health symptoms for 14 days after last contact with the positive case. If contacts are found to be symptomatic, they are instructed to self-quarantine and contact the healthcare provider for further guidance on treatment.

? What does it mean if a case is “released”?

Persons with COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue home isolation under the following conditions:

• At least three days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,

• At least seven days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

? Are positive tests tracked by county of residence or where the test was given? Is it possible a positive test listed for one county may be someone living in another?

Positive tests are reported by the county of residence of the patient. Occasionally, tests are reported incorrectly, but rarely.

? Can you provide demographic information regarding the current cases in McCreary County (age, gender, etc.)

Due to the relatively small population sizes of some of our counties and in an effort to maintain patient privacy, LCDHD will not be providing demographic data on individual cases. You can view district-wide demographics on our website

? Is the District anticipating receiving any of the new fast-test kits?

Eventually, it is our hope to have these tests available. There is no anticipated timeline.

? What county has the most cases statewide?


? Could you explain the recommendation for using cloth masks at this time? Do the paper masks (like people use while mowing etc.) work at all?

Surgical mask, cloth mask, and masks used in industry or mowing provide a physical barrier for respiratory droplets which are expelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes or exhales forcibly. They do not filter out aerosolized particles thus not recommended when such procedures as intubation, suctioning of sick patients or when using nebulizer.

? What is the protocol for non-compliant COVID 19 cases?

If there is a suspected COVID19 case who has been reported as not self-isolating, the following steps should be taken:

1. Whoever receives the complaint should forward to environmental

2. Environmental will ask the complainant the name of the person not in compliance

3. Environmental will then forward the name to nursing to verify if the person is a case

4. Upon verification the environmentalist should work with the County Attorney and law enforcement to secure a Court Order for the person to isolate

5. The environmentalist should sign the warrant/criminal complaint. If the environmentalist is not available, then the nurse manager should sign the complaint.

? There are a lot of people talking about the medicine that is being used in some places to treat COVID 19. Is it being used in KY or locally?

We do not know the answer. On the CDC website it mentioned several treatments for COVID19. All of the treatments are anecdotally. There are not enough studies and people are not reporting their own experience in print of the various treatments. There probably are some people using these forms of treatment, but we do not know who or where in Kentucky.

? How many tests have been done in Pulaski County?

We do not know. There are several private labs and physician offices performing tests. We only receive notification of the positive test.

? Could the health department provide a FAQ or some guidance document regarding the cloth masks that I could pass out to employees (how to put on, wash, etc)? We are using cloth masks in food services and etc.

On the LCDHD webpage, click on the COVID 19 Response, there is a link on the right of the page, CDC – Everything You Want To Know About Cloth Mask face-coverings.html. This link will provide the information requested.

? If an employee of a small essential business were to test positive what is the protocol at that point? Would the entire business be shut down?

It may vary for each business, due to exposure, distance and the employee being symptomatic.