School board conducts teleconference meeting

Posted April 21, 2020 at 1:06 pm

Clinton County Board of Education met in regular session Monday evening but, due to the COVID-19 virus, was not held in a traditional manner, but was instead live streamed on the school district’s Facebook page.

All board members were present.

The agenda was shorter than usual for a regular school board business meeting, with limited items of business being discussed along with reports given.

Following the monthly Bulldog Boost recognition, reports were on the agenda, including the superintendent’s report from Dr. Tim Parson, the finance report, and the attendance report. The board also acknowledged receiving the monthly personnel report.

There were only two action items on the agenda, one was a COVID-19 resolution pertaining to how meetings will be conducted throughout the pandemic.

The board adopted the resolution being adhered to by most public agencies in Kentucky regarding public meetings during the current COVID-19 crisis as set forth in KRS 61.826 and modified by the Kentucky Senate with SB 150.

The board also approved two BG’s (Buildings and Grounds) agreements with the state pertaining to the roof replacement project at Albany Elementary School.

Prior to adjourning the brief session, the board approved the usual consent items consisting of previous meeting minutes, subsequent disbursements and payment of bills.

Since the meeting was with no live audience present, there was no formal comment period held.

The next work session of the board is scheduled for May 14 and next regular business meeting for May 18, both starting at 5 p.m.