For the past three weeks, Clinton County has had no active cases of COVID-19, as of Monday evening, May 18, 2020.
That according to case numbers released late Monday evening by the Lake Cumberland District Health Department to the Clinton County News.
However, last Tuesday, Clinton County Disaster and Emergency Services Director Lucas Abner announced, in a live Facebook stream, that county officials had been informed that one case had been confirmed of a patient who had previously worked in Clinton County.
Information regarding where that patient resided was not released at that time.
Since then, no other cases in Clinton County have been reported by the LCDHD.
Cases across the 10 county area continued to remain relatively low, with 21 active cases on Monday, a significant drop from the 32 cases that had been listed the previous Monday, May 11, 2020.
The cases reported this week showed that Adair County had the most active cases with eight, two of which were hospitalized, leaving six in self-isolation.
Russell County had six active cases, all in self-isolation, Pulaski County had four cases, one of which was hospitalized, and Taylor County had three active cases, two of which were hospitalized.
To date on Monday, the 10 county Lake Cumberland area that includes Clinton County had seen a total of 207 cases of COVID-19, with 164 having recovered while 22 deaths had occurred as a result of the virus..
Amy Tomlinson, spokesperson for LCDHD, told the Clinton County News in the email releasing Monday’s case numbers, that the Department was urging the public to realize that although the state was beginning to open up various businesses and services, the public should remain aware that the COVID-19 virus is still very much prevalent and that caution and precautions should continue to remain in place by everyone.
“By the end of the week, retail and restaurants will be re-opened, albeit with restrictions. Don’t equate things re-opening with things being ‘safe’ ”, Tomlinson said. “So, avoiding crowds as much as possible is your best way to reduce your risk. Add to this the washing of your hands with soap and water often and thoroughly, the wearing of a mask when out in public, staying home if you have a fever or are coughing, the increasing of sanitation, and the avoidance of touching your face, to further reduce your risk.”