COVID-19 weekly Q&A session with LCDHD/area media

Posted June 2, 2020 at 1:02 pm

A list of questions was presented to the LCDHD staff by the media. Those questions, and the answers given, are provided in the following article for the readers of the Clinton County News.

The media updates are presented weekly and the Clinton County News will continue to participate in those briefings so we can better keep our readers informed

Our panel consisted of:

Shawn Crabtree, Executive Director

Dr. Christine Weyman, Medical Director

Stuart Spillman, Environmental Health Director

Laura Woodrum, Director of Nursing

Tracy Aaron, Health Education Director – moderator


? Will there be other testing scheduled after a county has already had one? How long will it take for results to come back and how will I be notified?

We’ve assisted in planning some of the testing efforts in conjunction with local providers and/or emergency management. The clinics we’ve assisted use Gravity labs to process the testing, the turnaround time for results is generally 48-72 hours.

The provider of the testing will notify the patient of the results. There may or may not be more mass testing scheduled in our ten county district. However, whether it be mass testing or not, there is testing available in all of our ten counties. Testing sites can be found on the KYCOVID19 website.

? If a person is tested at a doctor’s office or emergency room are they to isolate themselves until the results come back?

If the person tested is symptomatic they should isolate until they receive their results.


? Is the Health Department still monitoring businesses that are open for social distancing? Do we call the H.D. if we see this not being practiced?

The Health Department is monitoring compliance with masking in businesses and social distancing of their employees. The business should have controls in place to help with crowd control, but we know that it is ultimately up to the public to distance. We will be sending health department employees to every business in the district over the course of the next week to give them the minimum requirements for every business to be open and to remind them that we will enforce that employees must wear masks.