County to bid for road equipment

Posted August 12, 2020 at 7:48 am

Clinton County Fiscal Court held another short special meeting last Thursday afternoon, August 6, with only two items of business on the call meeting agenda.

The court did move forward to begin the process of helping secure some much needed newer equipment for the county road department.

The magistrates voted unanimously to advertise for bids on a John Deere cab tractor and side rotary mower or similar equipment for road department use.

The court has been discussing the need for upgraded equipment for the road department for sometime, but until now had not had enough funds to make any major purchases for such equipment.

The only other item of business on the agenda was the usual between meeting fund transfers to other accounts to meet payroll.

The court approved the transfers from the Occupational Tax Fund on separate motions in varying amounts.

The court’s regular meeting will be held Thursday, August 20, at 5 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse and will be streamed live on the county judge’s office Facebook page.