Clinton County Board of Education held is regular monthly business meeting Monday, August 17, at the old Central Office building with all members present.
Superintendent Dr. Tim Parson opened the meeting by delivering the monthly moment of inspiration, and following the adoption of the meeting agenda, gave the monthly Bulldog Boost.
Parson recognized several educators who had completed Level I Google Certification and board members also recognized the superintendent for recently completing superintendent training.
During the superintendent’s report, Parson discussed the reopening of schools and a separate article on that issue can be found beginning on page 1.
Finance Director Mike Reeves then reviewed the monthly finance report, which the board had reviewed at its work session last week.
Reeves recommended taking the compensating tax rate of 45.7, compared to 45.4 last year. However, with the decrease in property tax values, the rate will mean no increase in tax rates to taxpayers on the upcoming year’s tax bills.
The board voted unanimously to approve the 45.7 percent compensating rate on $100 of assessed property value and personal property; the unchanged .53 cents on motor vehicle and three percent on utilities, with watercraft rates to be set by the state.
In other business, the board:
* Voted to suspend the student drug testing policy for the 2020-21 year only (due to COVID-19). All beginning personnel will be tested and teachers will continue to be randomly tested.
* Approved an Emergency Reading for Policies and Review Administrative Procedures pertaining to Title I grievance polices.
* Approved the annual Student Supervision Plans.
* Approved agreements with the following to provide student mental health, physical and therapy services for the upcoming school year: Adanta, Passages of Kentucky, LLC, Community Based Interventions, Intrust Health Care and NECCO.
* Approved a resolution adopting COVID-19 Emergency Leave to extend the leave, when needed, for 10 days. This is above regular medical leave, sick days and FMLA.
* Voted to abolish a classified position (at Foothills Academy) and adjust pay rate for the positions for two employees to provide welding and carpentry classes at $19 per hour.
* Approved Esports coaching positions, spring and fall, at a stipend of $875 each.
* Approved consent items, including approval of minutes, subsequent disbursements, payment of bills and schedules.
With no public comments being made, the meeting was adjourned.
The next board work session is scheduled for September 17 and regular business meeting for September 21. Both meetings will be at the old Central Office building on Business 127 North at 5 p.m.