IDA holds recent Zoom meetings

Posted September 16, 2020 at 11:37 am

The Clinton County Industrial Development Authority held its May and September regular meetings via Zoom online teleconferencing pursuant to the governor’s recommendations pertaining to the COVID-19 crisis.

The first meeting was held on May 14 and the latter on September 10, both at the Welcome Center and each meeting saw five of seven board members in attendance.

The July meeting of the IDA board was cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

Limited business was voted on at either session as things have slowed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

At the May meeting, IDA Director April Speck updated board members on the RBDG application, seeking a status update on the application.

Board member Randy Jones also requested Speck research the federal CARES Act and Revoling Loan Fund (RLF) which makes available up to $100,000 with a 20 percent match. The CARES Act is the federal stimulus package, part of which is to aid small business during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After some corrections were made to the labeling of claims and bills, a motion was made by Dawn Tompkins, seconded by Kim Stockton to approve, which passed by unanimous vote.

The approximate 13-minute meeting was then adjourned.

The IDA met for a little over a half hour for last week’s September meeting, with Clinton County Judge/Executive Ricky Craig also on hand along with five board members and IDA Director Speck.

After approving minutes from the previous meeting, IDA Chairman Jarred Witham asked judge Craig to discuss the TVA fund resolutions for Clinton County.

Judge Craig noted that the fiscal court had recently approved the resolution for the CCIDA partnership with the Clinton Fiscal Court and the entities have been awarded $307,600 for local economic development.

Judge Craig stated there was no time limit on spending the funds and the IDA could agree to roll the funds over until Fiscal Year 2021.

Board member Barney Latham suggested opening a separate checking account solely for the TVA funds and further made the motion for the IDA to partner with the fiscal court for said funds. The motion was seconded by Randy Jones and passed unanimously.

After voting to pay claims and bills, the board entered into an approximate 20 minute closed session (with the Zoom recorded session being paused during the closed session) to discuss current loans and loan progress.

Upon returning to open session, no action was taken and the approximate 40 minute meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting of the Clinton County Industrial Development Authority is scheduled for Thursday, November 12, at 11 a.m. with the format to be announced.