Clinton County Board of Education held its monthly business meeting Monday, November 16, with all board members present.
The meeting began with Dr. Carol Peddicord delivering the opening moment of inspiration, followed by the board adopting the meeting agenda.
Superintendent Dr. Tim Parson touched on a few items during his monthly report to the board, including revealing a safety certificate the district had received for the measures they had put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parson noted the district was continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation at all levels and noted the district was doing all it could do to make sure students receive the best education, whether through in-person instruction or virtual.
He continued that due to the high numbers and the staff’s hands being tied with shortages, especially among substitute teachers, school was again virtual, but felt they could reopen to classroom instruction as early as November 30.
He also noted the Local Facilities Planning Committee had now been formed and the committee had important work ahead, especially pertaining to how to proceed with a new high school.
The superintendent also touched on the profile of graduates initiative and distribution of the city, county and school district logo.
Finance Director Mike Reeves then gave his monthly finance report, saying the district had received some good news in that they will be receiving $56,000 in assistance to pay on the new school buses. However, on a negative note, he again said it appeared FEMA was not going to come through with assistance in funding safety items to school districts in relation to the COVID pandemic, but did say he was still going to apply for any funding possible.
Finally, he noted that the Albany Elementary roof replacement and Energy Savings projects had both been completed and the district is in sound financial shape overall at this point.
The board then held a discussion on whether or not to make the new position of Chief Financial Officer a certified or classified position, and which would be in the best interest to the district.
Reeves, whose position was classified since he had retired as a teacher before taking the Finance Director position in a classified role after retirement, will be retiring as Finance Director as of next June 30, but will remain working as an advisor to train a new finance officer through the end of 2021.
Board member Kevin Marcum feared that if the job was to be made certified, someone near retirement may get the position and retire after three or four years, causing the district to have to “re-train” someone every three or four years.
Apparently the position, which has guidelines and criteria that must be met for the job, could be either classified or certified. The position will be 241 days per year.
Following some discussion, an amended motion was made to establish a “preferred” certified position of Chief Financial Officer. The posting for the position will be made soon and hopefully the position will be filled by early next year.
The board, on a motion by Marcum, approved the low bid from Alpha Energy Solutions at $119,320 to replace the cooling tower at Clinton County High School.
Reeves said Alpha Energy was one of three bids received and recommended the company, saying they had met all qualifications listed in the bid specifications that was advertised.
On a motion by Sue Irwin, the board approved a BG-4 for completion of the work on the AES roof replacement project.
The board then voted to accept an $11,395 offer of assistance from School Facilities Construction Committee and voted to approve the Local Planning Committee, whose list of names will be sent to the Kentucky Department of Education for approval.
Members of that Local Planning Committee are: Dr. Tim Parson, Amanda Fitzgerald, April Cowan, Sheldon Harlan, Barrett Speck, Eric Mercer, Adam Davidson, Adam Duvall, Jordan Fillingham, Josh Moons, Christy Guffey, Luke Moons, Ken Dearborn, Doug Parrigin, Mike Reeves, Sid Scott, Tim Albertson, Mike Davis, Virginia Conner, Bobbie Stone and Pat Campbell.
After final approval by KDE, the planning committee can begin having meetings on school facilities planning.
The board also voted unanimously to approve the School Resource Officer (SRO) Handbook; approved a non-resident contract with Somerset Independent Schools for a three year period, and on a motion by Bobbie Ann Stone, approved the consent agenda items of minutes, subsequent disbursements, payment of bills and a leave of absence.
During the public comment period, Randy Jones first thanked the board for the work they were doing and then suggested the district somehow give citizens online access to board minutes and the board agenda and possibly recording meetings for the public to view.
Also, Technology Director Sid Scott briefly addressed the board, acknowledging Reeves on his pending retirement and for his work as a colleague and friend over the years.
The approximate 45 minute session was then adjourned.
The next meeting of the school board is scheduled for Thursday, December 17, at 5 p.m. at the Central Annex building.