Fiscal Court meets

Posted March 15, 2022 at 2:53 pm

Clinton County Fiscal Court held a brief special meeting last Thursday afternoon, March 3, with five of six members present. Magistrate Johnny Russell was absent due to an illness in his immediate family.

The court first approved two separate cash transfers of $30,000 total ($15,00 each) from the Occupational checking account.

On separate motions by magistrates Jerry Lowhorn and Terry Buster, the court approved $15,000 each to the jail and ambulance checking accounts, respectively.

After unanimously approving some claims and bills on a motion by Magistrate Mickey Riddle, the court dealt with two primary issues on the call meeting agenda–the animal shelter and ARPA payroll funds.

The Animal Shelter had temporarily halted intake of animals recently due to exposure to the COVID-19 virus at the facility.

Last week’s animal shelter discussion dealt with employee transfers/hiring on recommendations by Clinton County Judge/Executive Ricky Craig.

Judge Craig recommended moving Andrew Myers to Dog Warden at $14 per hour and John Myers to Assistant Dog Warden at $13 per hour.

The court, both on motions by Magistrate Gary Ferguson, unanimously approved both hiring recommendations.

Judge Craig told the court that the previous week, the shelter had taken in 54 dogs, adopted out 44 and had three returned.

The court then took up the issue of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that had been used to supplement county employees from April 2020 through the COVID pandemic.

County Treasurer Cindy Thrasher told the court two motions were needed on the measure for payroll adjustments from the ARPA funds for employees.

The funds, which are federal money, can only be used for specific purposes set forth by the federal government and there is still around $800,000 of those funds that can be used for other projects, such as infrastructure, etc.

On a motion by Magistrate Mickey Riddle, the court voted 5-0 to transfer $122,019.88 from the ARPA money to deposit in the general account.

The second motion to pay the claims associated with the payroll adjustment was made by Magistrate Ray Marcum and passed by unanimous vote.

The breakdown of the $122,019.88 total included $109,966.55 to the fiscal court; $10,212.47 to the sheriff’s office, for a total of $120,179.02. There were also small associated attorney fees (Stites and Harbison) and financial advisor (Compass) of $920.43 each for a total of $1,840.86.

Following the actions taken on the ARPA funding for employees during the pandemic, Sheriff Jeff Vincent thanked the court on behalf of his department and staff for the funds to help operate his office during the pandemic.

In other business during the approximate 15 minute session, the court:

* Voted to make the annual $2,000 donation to the Albany Volunteer Fire Department, with Judge Craig noting the department was very much in need of funds.

* The judge informed the court and others present that a tire collection–held each third year–is scheduled in Clinton County for April 21, 22 and 23.

The two and one-half day tire collection period will again take place at the State Garage on Hwy. 2063 and will exclude tire dealerships. Hours of collection will be 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 22 and 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, April 23.

More information on the tire amnesty days will be published prior to the event.

* Finally, Judge Craig reminded magistrates to be thinking about roads in their district they may want to include for repairs with upcoming state FLEX funds.

The next regular meeting of Clinton Fiscal Court is scheduled for Thursday, March 17, at 5 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse and is open to the general public.