Appraisals approved on possible Justice Center sites

Posted March 15, 2022 at 2:54 pm

The Judicial Center PDB (Project Development Board) voted to accept appraisals taken on property that are possible sites for a new Clinton County Justice Center during a special meeting held last Tuesday morning, March 1. Five board members were on hand.

Board members present included Ricky Craig, Jake Staton, Jesse Stockton, Tracy Cross and David L. Williams, along with PDB Secretary Nathan Collins.

The board opened the meeting by entering into executive session to review and discuss the 11 proposals that were eventually approved by the board.

No official action was taken during the executive session, however, motions were made and votes taken upon returning to open session.

On a motion by Williams, seconded by Cross, the board voted unanimously to accept the appraisals that were proposed as follows:

* Foothills Festival Office and Parking Lot – $155,000;

* Top Priority Building – $85,000;

* Byers Building (Cross) – $70,000;

* Smith Trust Building and two tracts – $135,000;

* MWS Enterprises Building – $15,000;

* Dicken-Kitchen Corner Collectibles – $50,000;

* Harlan Residence – $115,000;

* Armstrong Residence – $60,000;

* Dicken residence – $60,000

* Sloan Tract – $25,000;

* Reeves Tract – $200,000.

Also on a motion by Williams, seconded by Staton, the PDB unanimously approved to authorize the executive committee to hire a mediator for negotiations, if necessary.

The next regular meeting of the Judicial Center Project Development Board was then scheduled for next Friday, March 18 at 8 a.m. The session, which will be open to the general public, will be held in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse.

With no other items of business on the agenda, the special meeting was then adjourned.