Wells attends first IDA meeting as board member

Posted March 17, 2022 at 8:46 am

The Clinton County Industrial Development Authority dealt with several items of business at its regular meeting last Thursday, March 10, with six of seven members on hand.

Also attending the meeting, along with board members and IDA Director April Speck, were Clinton County Judge/Executive Ricky Craig, Chari Bennett with the Lake Cumberland Community Action Agency (LCCAA) and Sherry Poore with the Albany/Clinton County Chamber of Commerce.

After approving minutes from the January 2022 regular meeting minutes, the board welcomed newest IDA board member Greg Wells, who was recently appointed by the Clinton County Fiscal Court.

Bennett then addressed the board on behalf of the LCCAA, speaking about the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and other services offered by the agency.

Bennett noted the city or county could apply for CDBG funds for businesses looking to expand or come to Albany. Loans offered are low interest and the IDA would be the participating party.

The board then voted unanimously on a motion by Barney Latham, to pay claims and bills, and with no old business to discuss, heard a proposal from Poore of the Chamber of Commerce.

The Chamber is currently working on 2022 Kentucky State Fair sponsorships and asked the board to pay one-third of the cost of the expenses.

A motion to approve the one-third sponsorship was made by Latham, seconded by Shane Smith and passed by unanimous vote.

The Chamber is also asking to use the back lot of the CCIDA property for a “cruise-in” and “pop-up movie theater” event. Poore spoke on behalf of the Chamber’s planning committee.

She stated the pop-up movie theater company will have its own liability insurance.

The board requested IDA Director Speck to check with the IDA’s insurance provider to see if there would be any issues with such an event.

Smith made a motion to approve the event, depending upon what the (IDA) insurance company says, with all voting in favor.

Speck then informed the board of two expiring IDA board seats coming up–those of Chairman Randy Jones and Board Member Dawn Tompkins, both of whom indicated they would like to remain on the board.

Speck said she would submit their names for reappointment to the Clinton County Fiscal Court for consideration.

Board Chairman Jones then informed the board he has been working with other agencies to help the Albany Fire Department. The AFD recently lost a fire truck in an accident and is needing assistance to get it repaired.

In relation to the fire department, Albany City Council, during a special meeting last week, voted to apply for a grant through the IDA and Kentucky Highlands that would go toward the purchase of a fire engine for the department.

(A separate article on the council meeting can be found elsewhere in this week’s edition.)

Prior to adjourning the approximate one hour meeting, board member Randy Speck made a motion to enter into closed session for a loan review.

The board was in executive session for approximately 13 minutes, but took no action upon returning to open session.

After returning, with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

The next regular meeting of the Clinton County Industrial Development Authority (CCIDA) is scheduled for the second Thursday in May at 11 a.m. at the Welcome Center and is open to the public.