IDA holds November meeting

Posted November 16, 2022 at 2:51 pm

The Clinton County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) held its final regular meeting of 2022 last Thursday morning, November 10.

The brief 25 minute meeting was held via Zoom with six of seven board members present, along with IDA Executive Director April Speck and Clinton County Judge/Executive Ricky Craig.

The board first approved minutes from the September regular meeting and voted to pay claims and bills on motions by board members Randy Speck and Barney Latham, respectively.

Board chairman Randy Jones then gave a short update on the upcoming fire department grant he has been working on with Fran Hay and IDA Director Speck, and also noted there are a lot of things going on in both the city and county at this point.

Judge/Executive Craig informed the court that the state PDI grant for water and sewer line extension for the recently purchased property involving IDA assistance has been awarded.

The property, targeted for either/or industrial or business development is located just west of Albany on Hwy. 1590.

Officials from the state will be meeting with a local delegation, including Speck, Jones and the judge’s administrative assistant Kelly Abston to view the site on Thursday, November 17.

The grant is a matching grant that would provide water and sewer to the property. Judge Craig said more information about the project would be announced at the Clinton Fiscal Court’s special meeting scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon, November 22.

Speck also announced that two board appointments will be expiring soon, one this month and one in December, those being members Barney Latham (current board vice-chairman) and Kim Stockton. Speck noted both had indicated they wished to remain on the board.

Their names will be presented for final approval by the Clinton County Fiscal Court.

The board, on a motion by Shane Smith, also entered into a brief closed session for a loan review with no action being taken upon returning to open session.

Also during last week’s meeting, it was announced the annual board Christmas Banquet is scheduled for Thursday, December 1, at 5 p.m. at the Horseshoe Grill. Board members and public officials will be invited.

The next regular meeting of the CCIDA is scheduled for the second Thursday in January 2023 at 11 a.m. at the Welcome Center and is open to the public.