A minor accident early Tuesday morning involving a Clinton County School bus and a private passenger car resulted in no injuries to either driver or any of the students on the bus, according to Clinton County Sheriff Ricky Marcum.
Marcum was still preparing the accident report when the NEWS contacted him shortly after the accident Tuesday morning, and he was unable to give personal information regarding the drivers at that time, but he did summarize what had occurred regarding the accident, which occurred at the intersection of U.S. 127 and Ky. 90, near the Junction Station business.
Marcum noted that the school bus attempting to make a left turn onto U.S. 127 when a passenger vehicle traveling east on Ky. 90 collided with the bus.
The Sheriff said that the accident occurred directly under the caution lights that are at that intersection, noting that the school bus received significant damage.
The bus damage included the front bumper being torn away from the vehicle, damage to the loading door, and damage to the passenger side front wheel.
“Everyone is good, the kids are good, the drivers are good, there were no injuries,” Marcum said. “The kids were able to use their emergency exit procedures they have been drilled on, and for the most part, they were just glad to be late for class as all kids would be.”