Power lifting event draws locals, visitors

Posted June 6, 2023 at 11:24 am

Clint Poore, of Albany, hosted the first annual HackenDinnie Classic at his gym behind his house on Sunday, June 4, 2023.
The event was a sanctioned event by the United States All Around Weightlifting Association or USAWA.
Poore said there were 11 participants, including himself, at the lifting event, three of whom were from Albany, Poore, Ashley Stearns and Patrick Hadley.
The competition included the Hackenschmidt Floor Press and the Dinnie Stone Deadlift.
Poore finished the day in first place with a floor press  of 425 pounds and a deadlift of 500 pounds.
Stearns came in third with a 305 floor press and 475 deadlift while Hadley came in fifth with a 300 pound floor press and 405 pound dead lift.
“It was a labor of love and lifting with amazing feats of strength,” Poore said. “I was so thankful for all the wonderful help from my training partners, Patrick and Ashley, as well as the three referees who all helped make this a great event. I couldn’t do this without them … Thank you.”
Poore said the president of the USAWA, Denny Habecker, was also on hand as a lifter and referee at the young age of 80.
“He is an all around great guy,” Poore said. “It turned out to be a real interesting competition. My good friend Holland Millsaps, from Tennessee, Dinnie Stone Deadlifted a massive 671 pounds, which qualified him to go to Scotland and lift the real Dinnie Stones at the Donald Dinnie Games in 2023. What an incredible honor that is.”
Of the 11 lifters who participated in the event, three were from Canada, and other participants were from Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and three from Albany, Kentucky.
“At my count, 82 national records and 49 world records were set during the weightlifting meet,” Poore said. “If it goes well it will return next year. The meet was great … it really was.”


Ashley Stearns performed his Dinnie Stone Deadlift of 475 pounds to take third place overall.


Participants from all over the United States and from Canada came to Albany, Kentucky, on June 4, 2023, to take part in the first annual HackenDinnie Classic at Buffville Gym.


Clint Poore is shown above lifting 500 pounds in the Dinnie Stone deadlift. Poore finished the competition with first place.


Patrick Hadley is shown above during his Hackenschmidt Floor Press. Hadley finished in fifth place with a floor press of 300 pounds.