Area favorite Farmhouse Restaurant burns

Posted June 14, 2023 at 12:32 pm

A favorite area eating establishment, including for Clinton County residents, the Farmhouse Restaurant, was destroyed by flames late Sunday evening.  The Farmhouse Restaurant is located just two miles across the Kentucky – Tennessee boundary, in Pickett County, Tennessee. The fire began at the same time that a system of strong thunderstorms were moving through the area, although no cause of the fire has been announced by authorities at press time.
Albany Fire Chief Robert Roeper told the Clinton County News that members of the AFD responded to a call to assist with fighting the fire, and he said that six members of the local squad responded with three trucks from the AFD fleet.  Roeper noted that the local reponding units were asked to load and transport water to the “dump tanks” that had been placed at the scene that provided other fire departments witha supply of water to battle the flames.

Farmhouse Fire

In above photo, made during Sunday’s fire (compliments of The Pickett Press by Elly Smith), firefighters can be seen in the far left attempting to bring the flames under control.


In the above photo, made Monday morning, the aftermath of Sunday evening’s fire damage can be seen as officials, owners and investigators on the scene surveyed the damage to the Farmhouse Restaurant structure.