Turnovers … by Alan B. Gibson

Posted July 5, 2023 at 8:20 am

A reminder to be careful this week, weekend, with July 4 festivities crowding

One of the things that the newspaper industry dislikes the most is holidays that interfere with normal production schedules, and we’re right in the middle of one with the July 4 holiday falling on a Tuesday – our normal production day.
So, with a shortened week for us here at the Clinton County News, here’s a shortened version of Turnovers, but still an important reminder.
Although traffic on the roads and waterways in Clinton County was busy this past weekend, the common thought is that this coming weekend will see the biggest influx of visitors coming our way to use our lakes, Dale Hollow and Lake Cumberland.
Sure, there is a mindset out there among some that the lakes are ours, and others should stay away, but the reality is, without those tourism dollars flowing into our marinas and other lake related businesses, they couldn’t exist – or at least at the levels that they do now.
Local dollars are appreciated by those establishments, but it’s the tourism dollars that keeps them “afloat” (pun intended).
Get out and enjoy the lakes this weekend, if that’s your pleasure, but give yourself a little more time, a little more space, and have a little more patience when it comes to our visitors who have decided to come our way this week and weekend to enjoy what many of us take for granted – our beautiful lakes and surrounding landscapes.
They come with pockets full of money, and they leave with very little.  Those funds provide jobs for our local workforce, especially during the summer months.
Enjoy the holiday, come out to the Albany Chamber of Commerce Fireworks Show (BOOM) Saturday night at the Clinton County Fairgrounds, and above all, have a safe Independence Day celebration.