127 Sale is next week

Posted July 26, 2023 at 12:53 pm

If you are looking for a bargain buy or to get rid of items you want to sell, that time of year is here, as the “World’s Longest Yard Sale” is ready to roll through Clinton County once again.
The 127 Yard Sale, which takes place for the most part along that route the first weekend of August each year, with this year’s “official” dates for the sale being Thursday through Sunday, August 3-6. (Some vendors set up as early as Monday of sale week.)
The route spans six states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama) and is 690 miles long, beginning five miles north of Addison, Michigan, and ending in Gadsden, Alabama. In Chattanooga, Tennessee, Highway 127 ends and the sale route continues on to Lookout Mountain Parkway through Georgia and Alabama.
This unique event draws hundreds of thousands of people (shoppers/vendors) each year from around the country.
Everywhere along the 127 Yard Sale route you can find a sale…in front of people’s homes, fields, pastures, on side streets, along the route in empty lots, and at businesses, community parks, and town centers.
Albany and Clinton County is never no exception when it comes to finding some type of sale, large or small, with some usual locations being around the Foothills Festival lot downtown, Mountain View Park ,and northwest of Albany near the KY 90 intersection area, as well as others.
Residents are also reminded that traffic always increases dramatically at peak times during the 127 Sale, so motorists are urged to use caution while driving along the sale route. Watch for slowed or stopped traffic and locals are asked to show patience to out of state visitors who may be unaware of the area.
There is no set “opening” or “closing” time for the individual sales along the 127 Sale route. Each vendor chooses the time they want to “open for business.” However, typically vendors are open by 8 a.m. local time and stay open into the evening hours, until around dark.
Like traditional yard sales, payment methods are mostly in cash, but more and more vendors are now accepting credit cards. Still, it’s important to come with plenty of cash in various denominations.
Anyone can be a vendor by simply having a yard sale in their yard, at their business, or setting up in a designated vendor space. (Our local Chamber of Commerce may be able to assist in locating a vendor location with spaces available during the sale.)
You can sell just about anything you want.
The 127 Yard Sale vendors sell all kinds of things including antiques and collectibles, apparel, arts and crafts, automotive parts/accessories, electronics, furniture, farm implements, glassware, jewelry and watches, housewares, musical instruments, computers, sporting goods, tools, toys, food, produce, and much, much more.
There are also many lodging areas along the scenic route and not too far a distance from one town to another, although hotel/motel reservations for non-camper travelers are recommended for shoppers along the route.
The 127 Yard Sale is also a boost for local businesses in each location along the sale route and brings in tourism dollars, which helps every local community.
The 127 Yard Sale began in 1987 when Mike Walker, Fentress County, Tennessee, County Executive, planned the event to encourage travelers to bypass interstate highways in favor of scenic routes that would take them through communities and allow them to experience what the small towns and cities had to offer.
Over the years, the sale grew in size and proportion, and many residents now plan vacations around the 127 Yard Sale period.
So, remember the dates to sell your stuff, or find a bargain right here in Albany and Clinton County. The World’s Longest Yard Sale will be held (official dates) August 3-6, 2023.
For more information about the annual event, visit: www.127yardsale.com.