School board meets

Posted October 25, 2023 at 12:03 pm

Clinton County Board of Education held its regular meeting Monday, October 23. Four of five board members were present for the approximate 25 minute session.
Board Vice-Chairman Gary Norris conducted the meeting in place of board chairperson Leslie Stockton, who was absent for the meeting.
Following roll call by interim superintendent Boyd Randolph, the board approved an amendment to the board agenda and the agenda as amended, both on motions by board member Bobbie Stone.
Two Cross Country team runners were then recognized by the board for their achievements this past season. (A photo of those students can be found elsewhere this week.)
No one had signed up to speak at the meeting, thus there were no public comments taken and the board moved forward with monthly reports.
Interim Superintendent Randolph updated the board on facilities, including ongoing construction, including the CCHS greenhouse and maintenance projects, as well as curriculum, finance and basic operations.
Much of the ongoing repairs and replacement projects dealt with HVAC systems at various buildings, as well as LED lighting replacement at the Clinton Center, which is about 60 percent complete.
Finance Director Courtney Norris, who next gave the monthly finance report, noted that some of the expense for the HVAC system work could be paid for through ESSER funds.
The board then moved into the action items on the meeting agenda, first approving the annual district staffing document, listing all certified and classified staff in the school district.
On a motion by board member Ronald Albertson, they voted unanimously to accept a matching offer of $15,478 from the state KETS program, which is used solely for technology.
Also on a motion by Albertson, the board approved a BG-4 (Buildings and Grounds) document marking the completion of the CCHS gym floor project.
The board then approved shortened school days for students with disabilities, which is a standard procedure taken by the district to aid children with special needs.
Special Education Coordinator Eddie Tallent said nine students would be on the program and, when using shortened days, a doctor’s statement is required. He also added the district is fully funded for the time a student needs to be out-of-school.
On a motion by Stone, they approved an amended transportation waiver and release form involving any type of ‘non-school’ trips.
The board then, on a motion by board member Jeremy Fryman, approved an amended SRO (School Resource Officer) job description, which pertains to new physical requirements.
Director of Pupil Personnel Julie York explained that new physical attributes–for those SROs not already certified–are now required and the amendment will add those required qualifications to SRO positions in the future.
Also approved was an amended Police Department Sexual Abuse Policy addendum to coincide with language in the policy that had been approved by the state legislature.
The board also unanimously approved first reading of an amended policy (District Issuance of Checks), as recommended by Superintendent Randolph, pertaining to disruption of services.
The final item of business was the approval of consent items, including approval of minutes, subsequent disbursements, payment of bills and leave of absence, which passed by unanimous vote.
The next school board work session is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, November 16, and next regular business meeting for Monday, November 20. Both meetings begin at 5 p.m. at the Clinton College & Career Center on Hwy. 90 West and are open to the public.