School board extends interim superintendent’s contract

Posted January 4, 2024 at 9:15 am

Boyd Randolph will serve an extra month as interim Clinton County Schools Superintendent following action taken by the Clinton County Board of Education at a special called meeting last Thursday, December 28, with all board members present.
Randolph, an experienced educator from Somerset who was appointed as interim schools chief as of July 1, 2023, had originally planned on leaving that position at the end of the past calendar year.
Although a Superintendent Screening Committee is in place and has been working to review applicants, due to the holiday period, time basically “ran out” before they could meet with the full school board and submit their final three candidates prior to the 2023 year ending.
To avoid a vacancy in the position, the school board, at its extremely short, one-item meeting last week, voted unanimously to extend Randolph’s contract through January 31, 2024.
At the meeting last week, a motion was made by board member Jeremy Fryman, and seconded by Ronald Albertson, to extend Randolph’s current contract through the end of this month, with all board members’ unanimous approval.
A new permanent Clinton County School District Superintendent is expected to be hired later this month and will officially begin their duties in February.
The Screening Committee has basically completed the busiest part of their work, having narrowed down eight original candidates for superintendent to three.
Due to scheduling conflicts with committee members, a full meeting between themselves and the school board members was not possible until after the holidays.
A joint meeting of the two groups, where the finalists’ names could be presented to the board, has been set for Thursday, January 4, at 500 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the Board of Education board room.
The school board will eventually hire the permanent superintendent.
The Board of Education is responsible for hiring only two individuals within the school system, those being the superintendent and the school board attorney.
The school board is scheduled to hold its next regular monthly meeting on Monday, January 15, at 5 p.m.