Albany Mayor Steve Lawson resigns

Posted January 4, 2024 at 9:16 am

Steve Lawson, now former Mayor of Albany, tendered his formal resignation from the city’s highest office effective midnight Tuesday, January 2. He cited health concerns as his reason for leaving office.
Lawson had been mayor for just one year into a four year term, after handily winning the mayoral race in November 2022 and taking office in early January of last year.
He was serving on the Albany City Council the year he was elected Albany’s mayor.
A letter dated December 22, 2023, given to Melissa Smith, City Clerk, read:
“I am writing to officially resign from my position as Mayor of the City of Albany effective midnight Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
“After prayerful discussion with my wife Jill, I have decided that due to health reasons, it is in my best interest that I resign from this position after serving one year of my four-year term.
“I appreciate the support and encouragement that I have received during my term and hope that I have made a positive impact as Mayor of the City of Albany.
I wish the new administration the best and look forward to seeing Albany move forward.
Respectfully submitted, Steven G. Lawson.”
Further, former mayor Lawson also submitted the following correspondence to the general public, stating to residents of Albany:
“It is with a sense of deep regret that I formally announce my resignation from the Office of Mayor of the City of Albany, Kentucky, effective Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
“I know this decision will be a disappointment to many who, over the years, have expressed their trust and confidence in me by placing me in public office. For that, I am sorry. The voters and citizens of Albany have given me the honor of serving 14 years as a City Council member and then as Mayor. I can only hope that this decision will not, in any way, be seen as a lack of appreciation for your support. After prayerful discussion with my wife Jill, I believe this decision is the best for the City and for my overall personal health.
“You may be assured on one thing, and that is that during this past year as Mayor I have been honest and truthful in the positions that I have taken and in the decisions I have made. You cannot please all of the people all of the time. The times, as Mayor, that my answer has been “no” in response to a request from someone was not done with any personal agenda on my part, but because I am bound by the law in the decisions I must make.
“I have had the honor of working with some of the most dedicated and serious-minded people I have ever met. The employees of the City of Albany work hard and are not recognized enough as they deserve to be for their dedication. The employees of the Street Department, Water Department, Water and Sewer Treatment Departments, City Police Department, City Attorney, City Clerk, and the entire office staff, let me say that has been one of the highest honors of my life to have worked with such dedicated people. The Albany Volunteer Fire Department does a wonderful job in their unselfish dedication. The City Council is made up of individuals who want to make a positive difference in our town and in the lives of our people. To each one of you, I express my sincere appreciation for the work that you do.
The water system is one of the biggest and most important issues facing us today. The employees of the Water and Water Treatment Plant Departments are faced with the task of doing their best to see that the citizens of Albany and Clinton County have water. However, they are working with an antiquated water system and lines that have been in a state of continued deterioration for years. This is not a new problem. While the increased water demand is a good thing, it also puts stress on an already ailing system. The answer is that we must make investment to improve the overall system. We have seen the Duvall Valley Water Project, a much-needed improvement ,come to fruition. My hope is that in the future the entire system will be one in which we can safely depend for our water needs.
“I offer my assistance to my successor in office, whomever that may be, and will aid in the transition in any way I can. I truly wish him or her the very best. Albany is a unique and special place and there are few left like it. It is our town, and we love it!
Thanking you again for the honor that has been mine in serving you as your Mayor for the past year.” Steven G. Lawson