School board has first evaluation of new superintendent at special meeting

Posted June 13, 2024 at 9:18 am

Clinton County Board of Education held a special called meeting Monday, June 10, with five of six members present. The just over one hour session included a Capstone presentation, an early superintendent’s evaluation, and several bidding project votes on the action items.
Superintendent Wayne Ackerman first presented the Capstone presentation pertaining to updates on projects already completed and those being worked on at present.
The presentation also included a brief synopsis on projects that were listed on the seven standards of which the board considered during their evaluation process of the superintendent.
Board Chairwoman Leslie Stockton stated prior to the Capstone presentation that it normally takes 12 months to have enough information complete to present an update on district projects, but it only took Superintendent Ackerman four months.
Ackerman first reviewed the school district’s mission and then the focus areas for the 2024-25 school year. He thanked those who helped him during the early stages of his job as schools chief, including staff, the community and others who acted as mentors and coaches.
New superintendents are assisted by mentors and other officials during their first year and two of those individuals were present at the meeting on Monday, including Amy Thompson of Monroe County, a mentor, and KSA representative Fred Carter, who coaches first time superintendents.
The presentation included, but was not limited to, a professional growth plan, cultural leadership, strategic leadership, Code of Ethics and more.
Under instructional leadership, for example, a list of project goals included work on outdoor classrooms, professional development, measuring student progress, and transportation of students, including from school-to-school.
The report also included human resources and day-to-day managerial operations within the central office and schools.
Some projects that students had been involved in, and others that have begun, such as the online student learning (BAVEL), SRO agreement with the local sheriff’s office to provide School Resource Officers in each school, and more were reviewed, as well as programs the superintendent and board would like to see implemented going forward.
Ackerman also gave a “next steps” listing of priorities, such as higher proficiency, etc.
He concluded his report by saying he loved being here, as well as the people he works with.
Thompson, who mentors new, first-time superintendents, also said she had never seen a Capstone report completed in just a four month time period. “I can’t say enough good about him (Ackerman),” she said, “he’s a keeper.”
Carter had even more praise for the superintendent,  saying at the beginning he had given Ackerman the option of waiting a while to begin the job, but said the new superintendent was ready to start, adding he has done a lot in just four months, as much as most have done in 12 months, he added.
Carter also said it appeared the board was in accordance with Ackerman’s goals and he was looking forward to big things in the future for Clinton County. “The future looks bright,” he said, noting that he too will be assisting Ackerman for the next eight months until the 12 month period for first time superintendents is up. He told the board, “Thank you for picking a winner. He is a quiet, but confident leader.”
Board member Jeremy Fryman said, “If we had of had 40 applicants, we would have picked him. He has put in a lot of work already.”
Board member Ronald Albertson said, “It’s hard to explain what he has done for me. The public I have talked to all seem to like him.” He added there has been a positive change in just the past few months since Ackerman took over.
Stockton added, “We are thankful and excited to have him.”
The board then entered into a 20 minute executive session to conduct the earlier than usual superintendent evaluation, with no action being necessary upon returning to open session.
After the evaluation, the board took the following actions:
* Approved first reading to policy and procedure updates;
* Voted to bid roofing repairs at Clinton College and Career Center;
* Voted to bid repairs for the Clinton County High School roof leaks;
* Voted to bid for a new roof at the old Vocational School/Maintenance Garage building;
* Voted to bid for new windows at the old Vocational School building;
* Voted to bid for auditorium light/sound (system) updates;
* Voted to bid to have poured rubber placed for outdoor classrooms at Albany Elementary;
* Voted to bid for asphalt paving on a portion of property at Clinton County Middle School.
The school board will hold its regular monthly meeting next Monday, June 17, at 5 p.m. at the Clinton College & Career Center on Hwy. 90 West. The meeting is open to the public.