Fiscal court holds regular meeting

Posted June 26, 2024 at 11:30 am

Clinton County Fiscal Court held its regular meeting last Thursday, June 20, with a packed upstairs courtroom and all magistrates on hand for the one-hour meeting.
Although the court dealt with some general agenda items, the bulk of the session–about 45 minutes–became something of a public hearing with comments from several local residents opposed to a proposed solar panel project in the county.
(A separate article on the solar panel issue debated last week can be found beginning on page 1.)
The court first acknowledged receiving the treasurer’s report, and on motions by magistrates Mickey Riddle and Terry Buster, respectively, approved the monthly report and voted to pay claims and bills.
Three cash transfers, all of which included claims and bills and payrolls, were made totaling $100,000. Each were made from the Occupational Tax Fund.
Magistrate Jason Pitman made a motion to transfer $25,000 to the jail checking account; Magistrate Tony Delk moved to transfer $35,000 to the ambulance account; and Magistrate Gary Ferguson made the motion to transfer $40,000 to the general fund checking account. All motions passed unanimously.
The court then moved to the item of a sheriff’s office maximum salary scale amendment, with Sheriff Ricky Marcum noting to the court the amendment involved funding in his office budget for four SRO’s (School Resource Officers).
The sheriff said three officers have completed training and a fourth was working on completing the training.
The sheriff’s office will supply the SROs via an agreement with the Clinton County Board of Education, with the latter entity funding all costs associated with the SROs–one to be located at each school facility beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
The SRO agreement between the sheriff’s office and school district takes effect July 1.
After approving second and final reading of the county’s policies and procedures, the court approved a pair of resolutions pertaining to funding for the Clinton County Justice Center project. The resolutions were needed due to environmental work having delayed the project by about a year.
The resolutions, which were passed on separate motions, were titled Clinton County Supplemental Mortgage and Lease and Public Properties Mortgage and Lease.
The court then approved the Clinton County Tourism Commission Board budget for the next fiscal year, and upon a recommendation by the Clinton County Library Board, voted to appoint Thomas Murray to the library board to replace outgoing member Ray Marcum.
After the discussion on the solar panel project, and prior to adjournment, Clinton County Judge/Executive Ricky Craig made a few announcements.
The judge informed those present that one of two new ambulances has arrived, with the second to be delivered in the coming months. He said this will make four new ambulances in the past few years, and a total of six trucks in the EMS fleet.
Judge Craig also announced that, with the help of the county and EMS, one person had completed their training and has become a full-time paramedic.
Finally, he invited the public to the grand opening of LT’s Fireworks, which was held last Friday morning, June 21.
The next regular meeting of Clinton Fiscal Court is scheduled for Thursday, July 18, at 5 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse and is open to the public.