Turnovers … by Alan B. Gibson

Posted June 26, 2024 at 11:35 am

Nice crowd Friday for Sulphur Creek Marina’s KSR live remote
There was a nice crowd on hand Friday morning in neighboring Cumberland County at Dale Hollow Lake’s Mike’s Landing Restaurant and Lounge for the Kentucky Sports Radio (KSR) live remote.
Friday’s production was the second straight year Mike’s Landing has secured a live remote of the popular UK Sports themed show.
Although the hosts were a little shorthanded with the absense of founder Matt Jones (vacationing in Europe) and long-time co-host Drew Franklin, Friday’s production was both entertaining and spirited.
Several Clinton County fans made the short trip over to Cumberland County to get in on the live remote fun.
Show host Ryan Lemond spotted long-time caller to the show, Clinton County native Sara Anderson, who calls in under the moniker of “Grandma Sara”, and came over to the table we were sitting to welcome her and give her a big hug.
While the audience numbers were down somewhat from last year’s appearance, likely due to the announced absense of Matt and Drew, it was still a successful event, according to Mark Brewington, a long-time CCNews reader, good friend and the manager at Sulphur Creek Marina.
Friday’s show also included a phone interview with UK Baseball player Ryan Nicholson, who talked about the Wildcat’s recent run to the College World Series.
Nicholson, played his high school basebasll for Louisville’s St. X, transferring from University of Cincinnati as a graduate student to play his final year of college baseball for the Wildcats.

Football field boulder – it’s a fake rock
Every time I’ve covered the Bulldogs during the fall gridiorn season, I’ve found myself wondering the purpose of the big boulder that sits south of the home bleachers on Bulldog field.
Last week, I was reminded of that question when I drove by the field to see how it looked, so I asked CCHS Athletic Director Darrell Thompson, who directed me to the Clinton County Schools Facilities Director, Todd Messer.
Turns out, the answer was a simple one, and had nothing to do with tradition.
It’s simply a fake rock, that serves as a cover for the Bulldog Football Field sprinkler system.
That was easy!
While we’re on the subject, althought we’ re in the dog days of summer with some serious heat right now, it won’t be long before the football season kicks off for its 2024 campaign.
Looking forward to some gridiron Dawg action.


Clinton native and long-time KSR caller Grandma Sara (Sara Needham Anderson), was greeted by KSR host Ryan Lemond Friday at Sulphur Creek Marina.