School board conducts monthly meeting

Posted August 22, 2024 at 11:17 am

Clinton County Board of Education held a shorter than usual regular meeting Monday, August 19, with all board members present.
Among action taken was the setting of the 2024 school district tax rates. The board approved the upcoming year’s rate at one tenth of a penny higher, setting it at 46.2 cents per $100 assessed value on real property, compared to 46.1 percent last year.
All other rates remained unchanged, at 53 cents per $100 on motor vehicle and 3% on utilities, with the watercraft rates to be determined by the state.
After the meeting was called to order, the session began on a somewhat somber note when Superintendent Wayne Ackerman, prior to leading the opening prayer, requested the family of a young Henderson County student be kept in people’s prayers.
The elementary age student, Lucy Nash, died of complications from medical problems while playing on a playground at school.
As a result of the tragedy, Monday, August 19, was declared “Pinkies Up for Lucy” day, in which all public schools in Kentucky were asked to wear pink in her memory, as well as share pictures of her on social media.
Lucy collapsed as the result of a cardiac event on the playground during recess on the first day of school as a fourth grader on August 7 and was later declared brain dead, according to news reports. She was 9 years old.
Following the prayer, the board approved the agenda as presented. No one present had signed up to make a public comment.
Finance Director Courtney Norris then gave the monthly finance report, noting the district had ended the month with a $10.8 million balance.
Superintendent Ackerman then recognized several students from last year who had completed AP courses and presented certificates to those present, and read the names of students who were unable to attend.
(A photo and listing of students can be found elsewhere this week.)
Ackerman also announced that all past students who had received awards from the board would receive a free drink at all varsity sporting events beginning this season.
In other business Monday, the board:
* Tabled action on revising the 2024 meeting schedule;
* Approved an emergency certified teaching position;
* Approved an additional $7,000 in locks from Schiller Lock to assure new safety locks are on all facility doors;
* Approved an agreement with Weatherstem, Inc. at $3,500 a year for a five-year period. Superintendent Ackerman noted the district could end the contract, if deemed necessary, during the period by buying it out at a one-year cost of $3,500;
* Approved a Subaward Agreement with Partners for Rural Impact (GEAR-UP);
* Approved the annual contract with Head Start;
* Approved an MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) with Lake Cumberland Community Action Agency, Inc. (LCCAA) and HS Programs in relation to special education;
* Approved the annual agreement with Adanta for student counseling service;
* Approved an agreement with Community Based Interventions;
* Approved an agreement with Bluegrass Professional Counseling.
The monthly consent agenda items were then approved, which this month included approval for a district wide 4-H t-shirt fundraiser; overnight trips; minutes; subsequent disbursements; payment of bills; and, leave of absence.
With no other items of business on the agenda, the just under 15 minute meeting was adjourned.
The next regular meeting of the Clinton County Board of Education is scheduled for September 16 at 5 p.m. at the Clinton College & Career Center.