During the month of January, 2012, there were 19 traffic accidents investigated by the State Police working in the Post 15 area in the 11 counties of Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Green, Marion, Metcalfe, Monroe, Russell, Taylor and Washington.
There were three fatalities during the month of January in the Post 15 area:
Shewmaker, Janet S.; Elkhorn, KY, was killed in Marion Co, KY on 01/03/12.
Giles, Jerry; of Campbellsville, KY, was killed in Adair Co, KY on 01/03/12.
Fair, Travis; of Columbia, KY, was killed in Adair Co, KY on 01/13/12.
This brings our yearly fatality count to three compared with two through this same period in 2011.
Statewide fatality count stands at 50 compared with 38 through this same period in 2011.
During the month of January 2012, there were 1101 citations written, 392 courtesy notices written, 1497 vehicles inspected, 699 complaints answered, 121 motorists assisted, 73 criminal cases opened and 173 criminal arrests made.