Tara Chilton, mammography technologist at Clinton County Hospital, explained the advantages of the new Hologic Selenia Digital Mammogram machine during an open house Sunday afternoon. Several local and area residents toured the new mammography suite that was funded mostly through a grant from Lake Cumberland Area Development District.
Clinton County Hospital had an open house last Sunday, February 12 giving local and area residents their first chance to see the new Digital Mammography Suite.
This addition brings the latest technology in breast care to Clinton County and surrounding areas.
In October 2011, the hospital received a grant through Lake Cumberland Area Development district for the purchase a new Hologic Selenia Digital Mammogram machine, com-puter aided detection, digital workstation, printer and digitizer.
The total cost for the new equipment recently installed at Clinton County Hospital was $252,199, with the grant providing 80 percent of that amount while the local share portion of the project was $63,050.
Digital mammography is the latest technology available to ensure the best image quality while the tilting compression device reduces discomfort giving a more uniform compression overall, and computer aided detection assists the radiologist with his interpretation.
Digital mammography allows conversion of the x-ray beam into digital information which can be electronically displayed, analyzed and manipulated by the radiologist.
Clinton County Hospital has also adopted as a standard of care the Mammopad Breast Cushion which has been found to minimize discomfort. The Mammopad softens and warms the image detector surface giving a more comfortable exam.
Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women, and is the most common cancer in women aside from skin cancer. Only lung cancer causes more deaths in women.
Each year 200,000 new breast cancers are diagnosed, with about 40,000 deaths yearly, 1 every 13 minutes.
About 2,000 male breast cancer cases are diagnosed each year, and almost 440 men will die from the disease.
Until we find a cure, early detection is the your best protection from breast cancer.
Clinton County Mammog-raphy Department has a board certified radiologist, Dr. Jerry D. Westerfield, and three registered mammography technologists, Lois Winsett, Tara Chilton and Joanna Cravens.
Clinton County Hospital is accredited by the American College of Radiologist, and certified by the FDA. For more information about Digital Mammography and Clinton County Mammography Department, call 606-387-6421.